ArchRobo - Robotic Annihilation STEAM KEY REGION FREE
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ArchRobo - Robotic Annihilation STEAM KEY REGION FREE

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This is ArchRobo, a top-down shooter. Featuring incredible visuals, 28 intense levels ranging from easy to incredibly challenging, with 5 large Bosses, dozens of enemies, and a plethora of creative weapons such as the Laser Sword, and Juggernaut power-up. Features 4-player co-op Survival, and 4-player Battle mode, each with randomized layouts for endless fun!

2D, retro, robot smashing fun. Influenced by Robotron 2084. If you´re an oldschool gamer looking for some nostalgia, then this shoot-em-up might be the game for you!

Simple but challenging gameplay!

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Цена: 8.9 руб.

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