Payday 2: Dragan Character Pack Steam Key
Дата публикации: 20.11.2022

Payday 2: Dragan Character Pack Steam Key

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Cruel, brutal and utterly ruthless.

The Dragan Character Pack is the 16th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to play as Dragan, the Croatian Infiltrator of the PAYDAY gang. Other than Dragan himself, it includes the Infiltrator perk deck, Dragan´s mask, Dragan´s Cleaver knife melee weapon and the Lion´s Roar assault rifle.
Key Features
•A new playable character – It´s time to introduce Dragan, the Infiltrator of the PAYDAY gang. Dragan may be a former cop, but he´s a former Croatian cop, which means his methods make the MPDC look like timid babysitters. He was brought to America and accepted into the PAYDAY gang as a favor to The Butcher. While there were some early suspicions regarding his true loyalties, his ability and commitment are indisputable.

Цена: 0.75 $.

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